Monday, January 4, 2010

Juan Carlos Silva by DeVaTe

My version of my very dear friend Juan Carlos Silva!
This is the war of cartoonist, lets continue making cartoons from each other! hahaha



Glen Barbosa de Carvalho Batoca said...

Very good!!!Congratulations!

Unknown said...

WOW!!! Show!!!! hehehe...Hugs Devate

cartoons said...

Oh thanks my brasialian friends, wait beacuse the next to be caricaturized are you both!!! hahaha


Bãpp said...

Great job Deborah,
jan :)

Bijuchandran said...

Haha DeVaTe,
You are the "Queen" of this blog!
well done my friend!
with love,

cartoons said...

Oh thanks Bijuchandran for say I am a Queen, is just I love to draw and I think is a good exercise for art and to make friends make a cartoons from each other, I really enjoy here,kisses!


juan carlos silva bocanegra said...

Thank you Devate, you are a wonderful woman.
You are a friend forever.